
Text of Shri Ram Madhav’s address at the 8th India Bangladesh Friendship Dialogue

Ram Madhav, July 4, 2017

TEXT OF THE ADDRESS AT THE 8TH INDIA BANGLADESH FRIENDSHIP DIALOGUE GUWAHATI 04-07-2017 – Congratulate the organisers for the completion of the 8th round of India – Bangladesh Friendship Dialogue. India values its friendship with Bangladesh deeply. It is not just a friendship. It is a shared bond of two peoples with one civilisation. We […]


Ram Madhav, June 15, 2017

ADDRESS AT THE BRICS POLITICAL PARTIES FORUM 10-06-2017 FUZHOU, CHINA Brother leaders of BRICS political parties and friends. Let me at the outset compliment IDCPC for hosting such elaborate preparatory meetings in the run up to the forthcoming BRICS summit in September. We hosted the 8th BRICS summit last year at Goa. We also held […]

#BRICS2017 – The Advent of BRICS Era

Ram Madhav, June 15, 2017

The Advent of BRICS Era ADDRESS AT THE INAUGURAL SESSION OF BRICS POLITICAL PARTIES, THINK TANKS AND CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANISATIONS FORUM Fuzhou City, China on 11 June, 2017. Namaskar! Excellencies, distinguished leaders from the BRICS and other countries, ladies and gentlemen! Greetings from the government and people of India! Let me at the very outset […]


Ram Madhav, June 15, 2017

http://organiser.org/Encyc/2017/5/22/2229177.aspx Old Karyakartas of the Jan Sangh time till 1990 in Assam were felicitated at a function in Guwahati. Over 300 old Karyakartas attended the event In a way it is a departure from the usual practice. It is an event hosted by the BJP to felicitate old party workers. It is well known that both […]

TRANSFORMATIVE IDEAS – GENERATIONAL THINKING – Shri Ram Madhav’s Speech at BJP National Executive held in January, 2017

Ram Madhav, April 5, 2017

                            (SOME MUSINGS FROM THE RECENTLY CONCLUDED BJP NATIONAL EXECUTIVE) As members of the Sangh Parivar we have heard or sung a famous song which begins with the lines: पथ का अन्तिम लक्ष्य नहीं है सिंहासन चढ़ते जाना। It means ‘power is […]

Shri Ram Madhav’s inaugural address at the international conference on ‘India and the Indian ocean’ by Symbiosis International University at Pune on 18-12-2016

Ram Madhav, December 22, 2016

Thank you for inviting me. Foreign policy is considered in India as an elite domain, not something for ordinary folks. Conferences like this will help larger national community understand India’s diplomatic imperatives and endeavours. Foreign policy is too important to be left alone to the diplomats. Diplomacy is Dynamic I am happy that this conference […]